Friday, October 25, 2013

Favorite App/Web Tool In My Classroom: LiveSlide

I mentioned in an earlier post that I have a few favorite Apps/Web Tools that I use a lot in my classroom.  LiveSlide by Atlas Learning has become one of my favorites that I use multiple times per week.

This week I used LiveSlide to help students guide themselves after my mini-lessons on writing as they worked at different speeds on their personal narratives.  I apologize for the dark pictures... my students and I are really moles...  : )  We like darkness as we create!

As we analyzed brainstorming techniques, hooks, and conclusions I was able to annotate directly on the presentation.  I can give students control from their own iPad and they can mark on the presentation as well.

Today, students corrected sentences as a class as LiveSlide randomly selected students for me, gave them control... they answered the questions...we discussed as a class and applied our learning to our personal narrative writing.

LiveSlide had created a more interactive presentation tool that also helps teachers address varying speeds of learners within the classroom.  There are many other aspects of this took that are helpful that I can't even begin to explain to you... like a quizzing feature that allows teachers to conduct a quick check for understanding.  You really just need to check it out for yourself!

Happy hunting for tech tools for your classroom.

Maas Out!